Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Now Brown Cow?

Lately I have been observing the advertising industry and discussing it with my business coach. He laments that the industry has disempowered itself by letting Clients dictate timelines. ‘Where has all the professionalism expounded by David Ogilvy gone?’ he vents. What has happened to times when Agencies had the power to say ‘I respect your decision but this is not something I can do and good luck with your campaign’? Has the industry lost all its integrity?

Is the world that David Ogilvy once knew gone forever?

I have been in and out of the advertising industry for the last 20 years and I see both sides of the coin. There really is no clear or easy solution as to regaining their foothold as trusted brand custodians rather than just providers of brand support. Agency leaders have to constantly juggle professional integrity with the ability to keep cash flow up. Then there is the Asian context – clients range from being highly sophisticated to naïve. There are also those who don't know what they don't know.