Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brand Courage

Yesterday I was on bfm as a speaker for The Resource Centre at 1pm. I spoke about the importance of performing brand audits and for some reason this word kept popping up - Courage. I had never used it before with my clients but pondering on it now, it seems to be one of the most important pre-requisite for great brands.

The courage to make that leap, the courage to receive critique and feedback with grace, the courage to be fair rather than nice, the courage to take that calculated risk or even the courage to listen to your gut and follow your heart.

My dear colleague and friend Pia Zain once said to me "The life you have is the life you have been courageous enough to live" and it seems to hold true for brands as well. The brand and the success of the brand depends on how courageous you have been.

Thanks bfm for enabling this realisation. Part 2 and 3 of my talk will be next monday at 1pm. If you want to listen to an earlier interview as part of the Open for Business segment please go to this link http://www.bfm.my/thelisteningtree.html?searched=The+Listening+Tree&advsearch=exactphrase&highlight=ajaxSearch_highlight+ajaxSearch_highlight1

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